How to sign in to the Web3 Social Bridge?

👍5Degrees, the Portal to the New, Open Internet, aims to bridge the Web 2.0 users to Web 3.0.

  1. Click [Shown in the list];

2. Click [Metamask] or [dfox] to connect your wallet. Take [dfox] as an example here.

3. Click [Confirm] on the pop-up box.

4. Click [POST PROOF] to verify your signature. Tweet a message to prove that you control this address. Return back to this page afterwards to complete verification.

5.The page will automatically redirect to your Twitter, click [Tweet].

6. After you have tweeted the Twitter, copy and paste your Twitter link to the original website. Click [Confirm].

🎉After completing these steps, you have successfully signed in to the Web3 Social Bridge.

Last updated