What is 5Degrees?

5Degrees is a Web3 social network protocol deployed on multi-chain. It aims to enable content creators to connect with their communities and friends through the compatible ERC-1155 protocol Token, forming a simple and easy-to-use, permissionless, composable, user-owned decentralized social network.

Differences between 5Degrees protocol and current social network?

Web2.0 social networks all read data from their centralized databases, which is lack of portability and controllability. Your profile and social relationship will be stored in a specific network and owned by the operator. This can lead to a zero-sum game in which different companies have to fight for their user’s data instead of good user experience. However, the core mission of Web3.0 is to give the data ownership back to Web2.0 users, which is what 5Degrees is committed to do, allowing users to take control of their social data.

To make the protocol easy to use, permissionless, and composable, we decided to build it under the framework of the existing ERC-1155 protocol. Being compatible with the ERC-1155 standard, it can be easily implanted into any protocol or business of Web3.0 that supports ERC-1155, which brings more possibilities to the composability of the current DEFI. The application of the integrated protocol is able to quickly support this protocol as long as it supports the ERC-1155 protocol.

The 5Degrees protocol is completely open-source, and the protocol needs to be built by a large number of developers. Now you don’t have to struggle with the access of user relationships anymore. Just focus on developing your product better through the permissionless user relationship network. We will still be committed to achieving more DApp integrations and making Web3.0 happen everywhere.

Last updated